What is the magic paper and what can it be useful for?
What is the magic paper and what can it be useful for?
The magic paper is a light gray paper, and at first glance it looks like a simple paper similar to a canvas cardboard.
But.. It’s much more! When you try to wet it only with water, you notice an extreme absorbency and a very slow drying, with the disappearance after a few minutes of the deposited drops.
But its use for painting techniques is still unclear. The question that arises is therefore what it is for!

What’s the magic paper for?
Ideal tool to see clearly the stroke of the brush dipped in water, it allows you to understand the absorbency of its fibers and the type of release, whether slow or fast.

And above all to understand the type of footprint and tip suitable for the processing we have in mind for our work! The brush just wet in water and resting on magic paper will leave its very personal imprint, leaving a dark mark that disappears in a short time.
Already used in China and Japan by children in primary school to learn how to write ideograms by brush, it is very useful in techniques where the first thing to learn are the sign and pressure, such as calligraphy.
Some companies specialized in tools for calligraphy have adopted the use in sets for beginners, where the stroke must be repeated a thousand times to enter the "memory" of our hand. This way you will avoid throwing large amounts of paper for all the tests that are necessary for learning.
Not only calligraphy needs practice sessions in the stroke.
Sumi-e paint, for example, uses large absorbency and size brushes to create natural images on rice paper; the stroke must be spontaneous and the use of inks makes it definitive, as they say "Buona la Prima!".
In this case, to avoid throwing away precious sheets of rice paper, the practice will be done on tablets or rolls of magic paper, which will allow you to acquire stretch and endless pressure, especially for those who approach this technique for the first time.
Strokes for watercolor, calligraphic or acrylic works can be tried for as long as necessary. Ideal for creating magical expectations in children who are taking their first steps in the art world, when used in fairs and exhibitions for technical tests of stroke has the power to amaze even the most established professionals!
The brush will have no more secrets, we will understand exactly its yield, the pressure with which to use it and we can be much more sustainable in the use of cards.